+(Intro) This morning we continue with our octave of prayer for Church Unity. It is also a day of special prayer for the unborn, for the weakest and most fragile of our society. So let us pause to reflect when we have failed to be truly loving to our neighbor, however fragile.
(After the gospel) Although it is over 2000 years since the words we just heard were written, this is still the danger of or putting what we think to be law abiding before an act of loving kindness.
For the Christian, every day is the sabbath, a day holy to the Lord. Are we today ready to respect all of human life conceived in the womb, or the migrant having fled from inhuman conditions, those suffering from the cold and lacking the basic necessities of life?
Isn’t our prayer for Church Unity a call to recognize every human being as our sister and brother, as deserving of our respect and love whatever may be the painful circumstances of their lives. The sacrifice we are about to celebrate was and is out of love for the whole of the human family.
Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mark 3:1-6