Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram – The Innocent are a Threat to the Powerful 12/28/22

Reflection – Fr. Michael Casagram – The Innocent are a Threat to the Powerful 12/28/22


Brothers and sisters in Christ. The meaning of this feast was brought home to me as I read the words of Pope Francis given on Dec. 14th during the Eucharist:  ”This Christmas too, as in the case of Jesus, a world ravenous for money, power and pleasure does not make room for the little ones, for so many unborn, poor and forgotten children. I think above all of the children devoured by war, poverty and injustice. Yet those are the very places to which Jesus comes, a child in the manger of rejection and refusal.”

As I think of the Innocents devoured by war I am reminded of the 7,600 Christians that have been killed in Nigeria between Jan. 2021 and June, 2022 and of the countless migrants who have no place to stay or country to welcome them. How is it that the Innocents become a threat to the powerful and wealthy? Today’s feast gives us much to ponder.

1 Jn 1:5-2:2; Mt 2:13-18