Homily – Wk 17 – Fr. James Conner – Seeking the Pearl of Great Price

Homily – Wk 17 – Fr. James Conner – Seeking the Pearl of Great Price

Homily – 17th Sun of Year – Fr. James Conner

What would you do if a powerful person came to you and told you to express your desire for anything on earth? Some might ask for riches, some for power, some for home or safety or health care or a good job, some for esteem and praise from others. But in today’s first reading, when God Himself asks this, a powerful king asks for only one thing: an understanding heart to be able to govern his people with wisdom and discernment. This is a quality that is sadly needed in world leaders today, but which is rarely if ever seen in practice. Yet Solomon was wise enough to ask for this one thing. And the Lord praised him for this and promised to give him a wise and discerning heart……..